Hi everybody!! Today I thought that I wasn't going to post anything. I decided I would just look around and read your blogs, to get to know a little bit more about how everyone else is doing. As I was reading, I came across all these really, kind of amazing, blogs. They got me thinking about what's important, especially to people with fibro. I guess before I always thought it's obvious, the most important thing is to stop hurting. But I don't know how true that is anymore. I think the most important thing is being happy. So first off I want to thank all of you for inspiring me, and teaching me through your blogs, that happiness is most important. I think it was Aristotle who believed that the whole point of people existing, was to achieve happiness. So let's do that!
It all kind of started when I came across the Tilly Rose blog. She has fibromyalgia, but when you are reading her blog, you barely know it. She is so cheery and is so happy doing crafts. I told her that it inspired me to see somebody with fibro flourishing so completely in a hobby. It reminds that it IS possible to be happy and to enjoy life even through the fibromyalgia.
Karen over at My Fibromyalgia Journey posted this quote that fits perfectly.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
-Charles Kingsley
-Charles Kingsley
I want to know, what is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? Is it your blog? Your family? A hobby? And if you don't have anything, find something that inspires you. Something that makes you happy, and that helps you forget about your fibromyalgia!
Gentle hugs!!!

I LOVE the charles kingley quote. I have it hung in my home. Most days, most of us have pain. Many of us need to vent it and then move into the day with having done so. If I didn't find something positive every single day in my life, surely I would be depressed. Thank goodness I have a house full of critters that keep me in proverbial stitches and a job that I absolutely love. I vent on my blog to get the ugly stuff, rest when I need to and reach when others need me. It all evens out at the end of the day. Some days, it's all we can do to get the other end of the day. On those days, a lot of prayer and busy work goes on in my home. So, here's to positive thoughts: I have visited more new blogs today and that's a good thing. Hugs. Tazzy